She waves DJ Pon-3 at normal speed while everything around her is in slow motion in Music to My Ears, and suggests instruments for Rainbow Dash to buy in Guitar Centered, including a banjo and a tuba.
Twilight sparkle equestria girls house series#
Pinkie Pie makes appearances throughout the series of Rainbow Rocks shorts. After Sunset gets the Rainbooms to see their mistake and forgive each other, Pinkie is ecstatic that the band is back together. When the Rainbooms are at each other's throats over who is to blame for their predicament in the climax, Pinkie thinks that being in the Rainbooms is now the opposite of fun. She later hosts a slumber party at her house that all of her friends attend. She first appears in the film helping her friends make a poster for the CHS Musical Showcase, using cake frosting instead of paste. Pinkie Pie reappears in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks and its tie-in animated shorts playing the drums in her friends' band, the Rainbooms. Pinkie Pie playing the drums in Rainbow Rocks.

After Sunset's defeat, Pinkie tries to follow Twilight through the portal, but the portal closes before she can. When Sunset puts on Twilight's crown and transforms into a "raging she-demon", Pinkie Pie briefly channels the element of laughter and gains pony-like attributes. When Twilight starts explaining who she really is, Pinkie accurately guesses on "a hunch" that Twilight is a pony princess from an alternate world on a mission to retrieve a " magical element". The friends reconcile and work together to help Twilight become Fall Formal Princess. At first, Pinkie is on unfriendly terms with Fluttershy and Rarity, but thanks to Twilight, she and Twilight's other new friends realize that Sunset Shimmer turned them against each other. Twilight Sparkle meets her in the gymnasium to sign up for the Princess of the Fall Formal ballot.

In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Pinkie Pie is the head of the party planning committee at Canterlot High School.